It’s been a another amazing year with many fun and exciting programs, projects, and events. To name a few, Family Day Fun, Spring and Summer camps, Family Bike Rides, Drums Alive, Movie Nights, and many more. We also had a lot of fun out in the fresh air at the new Lions Bike Park, Henry Morgan Park, the Coburn Road Trail, and of course all our favourite local back country trails. All that fun is a lot of work and […]
Queen said it best when describing how we feel, almost everyday. But lets switch the lyrics up a bit. How about, we want you to experience the joy of riding a bicycle. Ok that did not rhyme, or flow the way we thought it would, but that’s besides the point. Listening to Queen brings joy and riding bikes brings joy. Again, a bit off topic, but we’re just so excited! You see Lighthouse Rec just got their hands on 6
On November 10, the hall came alive for Lighthouse Rec’s first family movie night! Folks from all over the area came armed with blankets, comfy chairs, pizza, a couch, and an appetite for what turned out to be a pretty social family viewing of the second Lego Movie. Entrance was by donation and included popcorn and a juice box. Thanks to the Bowser PAC for lending out their popcorn machine and the Bow Horne Bay Community Club for the crash
A full load of kids from age 5-11 enjoyed our week long Summer Break camp. Led by Andrea Locke, these kids enjoyed activities ranging from open gym space in the Hall to Bike Park sessions and coaching. They rode the local trails, learned outdoor skills, and participated in meaningful art projects with our friends at the Doighouse Learning Center. To top it all off, the kids took a walk for a much deserved treat at the Cone Zone followed by
How Do You Describe a Sound? If I say “thwok” does it instill images of a crisp yellow tennis ball slicing across a blue court ? If I say “braap” does it stir up excitement from the moto crowd envisioning a quick flick of the right wrist fueling a hungry engine, as they speed fearlessly through the passing trees? How do you describe the sound of silence in sport? Sitting up on the ramp at the new Lions Bike Park,
Summer Solstice in Bowser will be on June 21, 2023. This marks the longest day of the year with sunrise at 5:12am and sunset at 9:27pm. This is 16 hours and 15 minutes of usable daylight to pack in all sorts of wonderful activities. Below is an account of the day from 2021 that may spark some ideas. How will you be spending the longest day of the year? Longest Day 160F water is being pushed through a hastily packed
On May 5, it was raining so hard, I got wet down to my base layers. I was standing mid-way through the trail with Jack, wondering why either of us would want to be out there getting soaked in the first place. The rain eventually let up, I know because I was on this particular trail for close to 12 hours on that rain May 5th. But I’m getting ahead of myself, so let’s take a step back. The day